Endurance to the Last
There is a famous running quote: “Success isn’t how far you got, but the distance you travelled from where you started,” and at no time could this have been more apt than when the staff from Saar ran in the Bahrain Marathon Relay this year. It was a bright and breezy November day when 30 members of our school took their blocks at the start of their 3km stages of this marathon run through the Bahraini backroads. Luckily, hours of intensive training (ahem) paid off as each member of the team ignored the howls of protest from their aching legs and set personal best after personal best. Nurse Sandy was overjoyed with her performance and many bystanders are convinced they heard her say “Brilliant…put me down for next year’. The B Team captain, Ellie ‘Paula Radcliffe’ Dawson was delighted with her team’s efforts – as she had a restaurant booked for 8pm and she was unsure at times whether she would have to cancel. Many thanks to the school for sponsoring us once again and we are proud to support the fundraising efforts of the Bahrain Round Table who organise this event.