Written by Mrs Ingham
The Year 4 production of “Go For Gold” was performed on Monday 3 June.
In the cantata, a top athlete (Suzie Swift) is reported to be pulling out of the Olympic games due to lack of sponsorship. There is a flashback to Ancient Greece (where the games began) with a truce from all fighting between states by the order of Zeus. Zeus, (a “Cool Rapping” God) has a favourite athlete (Milo the wrestler) who is a six times champion at the games (he used to train by lifting a calf for 9 months until it gradually grew into a cow). Zeus is worried by Hades’ (God of the Underworld) attempts to train a rival athlete to face Milo. However, Hades’ man is useless (he has mistakenly trained by eating beef burgers instead of lifting a cow) so Hades tries to get the games cancelled by starting a war. The ploy fails in the end because there is too much love for the Olympics and everybody realises that the games can take the place of war. Suzie is so inspired by this story that she decides to compete after all and the Gods all arrive at the end to join in her celebration party.
The children put in an enormous amount of effort to learn all their lines, as well as the song lyrics and they rose to the challenge to put on a very lively and informative show. The acting was very impressive, the singing was superb and the dancing was excellent!
Everyone in the year group had a part to play, creating sets and props and directing the scenes. We all thoroughly enjoyed singing the catchy tunes and the Year 4 activity street is still buzzing with song.