News@St-Chris Vol 1.01/Oct 2012

Welcome to our First Edition of News@St-Chris

Oct 092012
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Parents Meet Form Tutors

Now that term 1 is well under way, parents of the newly joined Year 7s were invited to a coffee afternoon with Kim Chadwick, Head of Year, to see how the students are settling in. They were shown around the school facilities by their own children and the Year 11 prefects. The tour included the classrooms and form rooms where the Year 7s spend time.

The Year 8 team also welcomed the Year 8 parents for a coffee and show around and Jamie O’Dowd, Head of Year explained the pastoral structure of the Year and gave an overview of the Enrichment Programme.

Year 8 students can look forward to participating in the annual Enrichment event; the 1BD Challenge.

These coffee afternoons provide the ideal opportunity for parents to meet fellow class parents as well as new friends made by their children at St Chris.