News@St-Chris Vol 1.01/Oct 2012

Welcome to our First Edition of News@St-Chris

Oct 092012
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Creativity and Expression Galore

National Poetry Day was celebrated in style at St Christopher’s, with the whole school involved in poetry-based learning and activities.  Infant School children were treated to poetry-based assemblies and special readings in their library sessions.  Year 3 found or wrote pieces based around the theme of ‘Stars’, and Years 5 and 6 wrote and shared their own poems throughout the whole day.  The highlight of the day, however, was the visit of the entire Year 7 from the Senior School.  Over 160 children came down to work with Years 2 and 4, running ‘word lucky dips’ that they had designed themselves and leading the younger children as they produced their poems.  Cross-phase groups worked together as words were chosen, lines created and performances perfected.  There was creativity and expression galore, with face paint, music and dancing.  A great time was had by all.