News@St-Chris Vol 1.01/Oct 2012

Welcome to our First Edition of News@St-Chris

Oct 092012
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Keeping Hearts Strong

St Christopher’s Senior School celebrated World Heart Day on Sunday 30 September. The theme this year was ‘One Home, One Heart, One World’.  The day began with every student receiving a heart stamp on their hand as they came into school followed by ‘heart’ quizzes in form tutor time.  Heart facts were even incorporated into mathematics, where students learnt how to calculate their target zones.  During the lunch break, over 90 students and staff took part in the multi-stage fitness test, the 1 minute rowing challenge and many worked their hearts by skipping in the playground.  Doctors and nurses from Al Kindi Hospital were present throughout to encourage children to be responsible for looking after their hearts through healthy diet and regular exercise.  Children had their blood pressure and body mass index measured as well as being given information to help them understand their own health and how to keep their hearts strong.