News@St-Chris Vol 1.01/Oct 2012

Welcome to our First Edition of News@St-Chris

Oct 092012
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CHRISMUN, Paving the Way for the Future

On Saturday, September 29, St Christopher’s School, Bahrain hosted its first annual Model United Nations Conference (CHRISMUN). More than a hundred students from schools across Bahrain participated in the conference. Nick Wilson, Head of Senior School, was the Keynote Speaker at the Opening Ceremony. Year 13 student, Devi Nair, also addressed the delegates in her capacity as Secretary – General.

The conference delegates, who represented different countries debated a range of current world affairs issues in five discrete Councils, namely The General Assembly, The Human Rights Council, The Economic and Social Affairs Council, The European Union and The Security Council.  Young people care about the world they live in and CHRISMUN provided the students with a platform to engage in significant high-level discussions in a formal setting. The Conference organisers, Year 13 students, Saumya Choudhary and Shayan Khan, affirmed that the Conference was an opportunity for budding diplomats and political leaders to refine their knowledge of other cultures and traditions, and to improve their ability to address global problems with fresh and creative thinking. The Conference was a student-led initiative and, given its significant success, it is hoped that it will establish itself as an annual event.

The issues discussed at the Conference were:

General Assembly – Global Governance of the Internet and Capital Punishment

Human Rights – Prevention of Recruitment and use of Child Soldiers and The Right of People to Water

ECOSOC – The Regulation of Trade and Foreign Investments and Evaluating the Internationally Agreed Goals and Commitments in regard to Education

Security Council – Reform of the United Nations Security Council and Promoting Stability in the South China Sea

The European Union – The European Economic Crisis and Legal and Illegal Immigrants within the European Union