News@St-Chris Vol 1.01/Oct 2012

Welcome to our First Edition of News@St-Chris

Oct 092012
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St Christopher’s Students Win Magazine Cover Competition

TMG Children’s Magazine held a competition in recognition of World Environment Day in May 2012.The competition comprised three categories under the themes ‘Development without Destruction’, ‘Sea and Oceans’ and ‘Your Environment’. Children were invited to design a cover for the  three TMG Children magazines and in the Bahrain national competition, St Christopher’s students took first and second place in the ‘Seas and Oceans’ category as well as first place in the ‘Your Environment’ category.

TMG recently announced Hibah Muzammil (4B) and Lauren Kenna (1C) as first place winners in their categories and Ryan Stephen (5D) as second place winner in his category.

The overall GCC competition winners by category will have their design published in November forming the front covers of the TMG Children publications.