News@st-chris Vol 1.13/Jun 2013

Jun 262013
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Finishing on a High

It has been a busy few weeks in Learning Support.  The Learning Support awards were at the end of June. During the ceremony 34 children were presented with medals and certificates by Mr Fellows and Ms Bataineh. Awards presented included – Perseverance, Resilience, Punctuality, Spelling Queen and Miss Maths Magician.

There was an air of anticipation as children and parents celebrated others achievements and awaited their own award.

This week the Learning Support Party was held.  LS opened the doors to around 200 children, who had a great party hour, making masks, decorating biscuits, playing party games, dancing in the disco, playing their favourite LS games or chilling in the DVD room. All the children left with huge smiles, having had a great time.

We are extremely proud of all the hard work and progress the children have made this year.