News@st-chris Vol 1.13/Jun 2013

Jun 262013
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A Stitch in Time

Year 6 children as part of their community and service have raised a whopping BD4,326.200 this year!!! This money has been split between Help The Afghan Children; a charity which builds schools, trains teachers and gives supplies to children in Afghanistan and The Red Cross Red Crescent Society. These first two projects were very large and for their third community and service project, they decided to create a community tapestry- for the school.

The children, in groups, designed and created  individual textile squares. Over the summer holidays these squares will be sewn together to form a large tapestry. Each square represents a community and service pledge for next year and will be a lasting reminder of the impact community and service has had upon the whole school.

Keep a look out for the tapestry; it will be hanging on a wall somewhere in the Infant and Junior School next term!