News@St-Chris Vol 1.02/Nov 2012

Nov 142012
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Pottery, Date Boxes and Woven Bookmarks  

Last week saw the Year 4 Activity Street transformed into a vibrant mixture of a traditional Bahraini souk and a factory assembly line! The Year 4 Traditional Craft Day was a fantastic opportunity for the children to put into practice some of the wonderful skills they have been studying in their recent humanities project and raise money for charity at the same time.

The Year 4’s community project is the Palm Association who kindly visited the school to tell the children about some of the wonderful things they do here in Bahrain. The children then decided it would be fantastic to have a go at some traditional Bahraini crafts and sell the resulting products on Bahrain National Day on 13 December. All of the proceeds will be passed on to the Palm Association. Pottery decoration, woven bookmarks and beautifully patterned date boxes were all enthusiastically planned and produced with a high level of expertise. When sweating over a pot Tony Sissons summed up the feelings of the year group very well when he was heard to say, “I have never worked so hard in my life!”

The children will now move from the practical side of things to the business side and start to plan the marketing, pricing and selling of the products. With the hard work ethic, resourcefulness and perseverance they have already shown when making these traditional products, this is bound to be a huge success!