News@St-Chris Vol 1.02/Nov 2012

Nov 142012
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Whoosh, Zoom and Whizz!

Diya in the ball pit

As part of Health and Fitness week, Nursery classes visited ‘My Gym’ in the Seef district. The outing provided opportunities for our youngest learners to be active and develop their co-ordination, control, and movement. Children were also helped to understand the importance of physical activity and the effects it has on their body.

The young adventurers enjoyed using the gym’s equipment. They experimented with cause-and-effect and action as they rolled, climbed and balanced. The grand finale was enjoyed by all of the children as they zoomed down the zip-slide into the ball pool.

Supporting healthy physical development was the primary function of the visit, but children’s spontaneous social interactions and their trial-and-error problem solving showed how this outing served all areas of learning.

The staff at My Gym really helped make this visit such an enjoyable one!