News@St-Chris Vol 1.02/Nov 2012

Nov 142012
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Cooking Doesn’t Get Tougher Than This!

Year 5 children were challenged to create a healthy meal in their science lessons. Strict guidelines were enforced – it had to be healthy and it had to be tasty. As the children peeled, chopped, grilled and stirred their way to culinary greatness, a team of eagle-eyed judges monitored them very carefully.

Rob ‘John Torode’ van der Eyken said, “The pressure on these children was immense”. While Jamie ‘Gregg Wallace’ Wilkins added, “To create such mouthwatering menus in such a short space of time was incredible. There was a sensational fusion of flavours and textures.”

Karina, one of the contestants, remarked, “Our menu was great because it contained healthy vegetables but also a little treat.” The children excelled themselves and learnt as much about teamwork as well as cooking!