News@St-Chris Vol 1.02/Nov 2012

Nov 142012
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Team Spirit Prevails

On 18 October, the great adventure started, departing from Bahrain and arriving at our destination, Kuwait.

The Boys Experience

Prior to the Games, players were selected for the Basketball team by our great coach, Mr Pollard. Our Football team was not chosen and the Basketball team opted to partake in the Football event on behalf of St Chris. On the first morning we were charged and ready to tackle any challenges that confronted us; we were motivated, dedicated and enthusiastic. Our first three games hurt us as we were defeated in every fixture, however, the will and commitment of the team gave us the ability to stay focused and come back with two consecutive victories leading us to the Semi-Finals. Unfortunately, we were defeated and came 4th overall. We won our last match in the Football tournament but didn’t make the Semi-Finals due to goal difference. We came back to the hotel sad, but this did not stop us from having fun the rest of the trip. The team lunch at Chilli’s was extremely good-humoured. Tariq Jallaf – Year 12 Student

The Girls Experience

The Girls played Volleyball on Thursday and Football on Friday. Volleyball was interesting, as environmental conditions from the sun and wind influenced play. The Girls played very well and we were big contenders in all of the games, unfortunately, we missed out in the Semi-Final, coming fourth overall. The Football was 5 a-side and based indoors, which was challenging. However, Ms Sheppard was able to sort the situation out and we sailed into the Final. We played exceptionally well and won 3-2. It was a great experience and we had great fun. U19 BSME Football Champions again!  Georgia Moulder – Year 12 Student