News@St-Chris Vol 1.05/Jan 2013

Jan 152013
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Strutting their Stuff

Term 1 ended on a high with the House Captains leading their first House Assembly! They entered the hall from the back with cool dance moves and cartwheels before engaging the audience in some rhythmic clapping to the festive music.

Falcon summed up the excitement that was to come, introducing Kestrel who talked about the events that have taken place so far and showed the Junior Sports Day video. Merlin announced the upcoming events that are taking place in term 2 before passing the mic to Osprey who introduced the seasonal quiz.

Mrs Holness and Mr Coast joined the Falcon House Captains while Mr Dawson and Mrs Brandreth teamed up for Kestrel. Merlin was joined by Mr Stephenson and Mrs Mulleague, and Osprey was supported by Mrs Etches and Miss Hawkins. The first round consisted of 5 questions about what other countries celebrate around the world at this time of year. Round 2 challenged the humming abilities of each team, in humming a well known festive tune. The final round tested the memory of the teachers: they were played a December UK No. 1 hit from the 1980’s music charts and were asked to give the song title, band name and year that it was No.1. The audience were great participants throughout, engaging fully in every answer and offering their suggestions to the teams when given the mic by Miss Lambert.

Well done to everyone. It proved to be a great way to end the term. It was thoroughly enjoyable with everyone dancing to the very popular ‘Gangham Style’ on their way out.