
Apr 172013
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It’s What You Do

On Monday 18 March, children representing Years 4 and 5, along with members of the School Council shared their service achievements to date.

The Year 4 representatives spoke about their year group’s proud links with The Palm Association and how their Bahrain Heritage topic inspired them to raise money for this much-loved Bahrain charity. They are creating on-going links with The Palm Association and also decided to help The Seafarers’ Association; collecting second-hand clothes for distribution to those in need.

Year 5 delivered their presentation starting with Kensie McNaught, 5C, who spoke about Year 5’s book appeal in Term 1, where they collected and sold second-hand books to raise money for Pak Kred Orphanage in Thailand. She shared a heart-warming slideshow of herself and her family using the money raised to buy essential goods whilst on their winter vacation to Thailand. The other Year 5 representatives then spoke of the cleaners rucksack challenge, where groups of children researched what a cleaner would want to have a rucksack filled with. Together the children collaborated and filled the rucksacks with all manner of goodies to present and say thank you to the cleaners.

School Council spoke of their service to the school and the exciting new Kitchen Garden and changes to Arabic Activities they are planning for next academic year.