
Mar 262013
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A Bear-y Good Time

Forget about going down to the woods today and don’t worry about going in disguise, as the famous 1930s song suggests. On Thursday 14 March, nearly three hundred of the most well-loved and adorable cuddly teddy bears, monkeys, dogs, cats, dolphins and superheroes made their way down to the playground for this year’s Nursery and Reception Teddy Bears’ Picnic and Teddy Fun Morning.

Nursery and Reception were joined by their friends from RIA Nursery who thoroughly enjoyed their annual trip to the Teddy Bears’ Picnic. This year it was held in the Nursery playground and had the added attraction of a bouncy castle. The teddy bear themed extravaganza featured arts and crafts, bear maths, a teddy clinic, pin the nose on the bear, a bear music area, bear hunt story time and much more. Each class paraded on the stage before settling down to the picnic with their bears.

Most of the cuddly friends were very well behaved, enjoying making bear music, bear maths, bear art activities and bear bouncing but some cuddly sidekicks let the excitement get the better of them and even wound up in the teddy bear clinic.  The highlight of the morning was surely the Teddy Bear Parade, after which every bear settled down to a picnic in the shade.  As Elias,Reception C, put it; ‘definitely the best day ever’. The children brought along their teddy bears to join in and we had a bear-y good time!