
Mar 262013
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Feeling Proud

What an inspiring start to our morning on Tuesday 12 March with our termly “What have you done today to make you feel proud?” assembly.

Back row (from left): Amelia Rennie, Luna Dreyer, Rayyan Syed Ali, Jasmine Atkinson and Margarita Tsvetkova
Front row (from left): Anna Evans-Wolfe, Will Sheperd-Smith, Sophie Moir, Kyla Reekie and Leo Biffen

Our boys music club got the assembly off to a great start with “We will rock you” and then Jasmine (6D) and Amelia (6C) spoke about their commitment during the year as music monitors. Luna (6D) and Kyla (3E) both entertained us with stories about their horse-riding exploits and proudly displayed their trophies and rosettes.  Sophie (3C) had also brought in her trophy for gymnastics and she had prepared her own PowerPoint that explained the equipment you need and how to get started as a gymnast.

Leo (5C) shared his passion for ICT and his ability to design websites, quickly followed by Will (5D) who impressed us with his dexterity as a tennis player.

Margarita (6D) entertained us on the piano and played beautifully. Rayyan (6F) and Anna (5D) both explained their involvement in the Global Citizens Day Art Project with Mrs Maggi. They had put together an informative PowerPoint, which explained the story behind our recycled chandelier, which now hangs decoratively in the library stair well.

Hamza (4A) revealed just how much he has taken community service to heart, when he told us about fund raising projects he planned and had undertaken on his own compound. He first tried selling books and then later cup cakes! “It did not take me long to realise that people on my compound like cakes a lot more than they like books!” he said. Hamza raised an impressive BD 101 all by himself.

Our Year 6 dancers closed the assembly with their impressive Arabic dance from Bahraini Heritage and Culture Day.

Well done to all those children selected – we are really proud of you all.

Back row (from left): Eleanor Roberts, Alia Hasan, Raven Robinson, Youstina Goubran, Iman Asif, Aesha Al Jowder and
Dana Ismaeel

Front row from left): Daisy White, Eman Al Haddad, Giselle Dias, Haya Al Khalifa, Francesca Giovanetti and Sarah Al Toubaji