
Mar 262013
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Learning to Learn

On Sunday 10 March, Year 11 students and parents attended a GCSE Revision Information Evening in the School Hall. The purpose of this annual event is to provide parents and students with advice and guidance relating to the preparation and revision for GCSE examinations. Following a welcome by Fiona George, Head of Year 11, Year 11 students presented the student perspective on revision strategies. Ms George provided an update of the revision materials that have already been issued to all Year 11 students which included a Countdown to GCSE Planner and Jim Connolly, Head of History, reflected further on effective techniques. All parents and students were invited to complete a Preferred Learning Styles Questionnaire and were introduced to basic Japanese using visual, auditory and kinaesthetic approaches by Steve Keeble, Deputy Head of Senior School. Hilary Rowark, Assistant Head of Senior School gave a psychological perspective which was followed by a presentation by Nick Wilson, Head of Senior School, relating to all aspects of organisation, time and lifestyle management, and note-taking techniques. We wish all students every success in their forthcoming examinations in May and June 2013.