
Mar 132013
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Children should be seen and not heard!

This phrase rang loudly through the corridors as the children in Year 1 lived a day of horrible history when their year group became a Victorian school for the day. The teachers were dressed like Victorians and were very strict for the whole day!

The children also came dressed in period costume and began the day segregated for morning line up before undertaking some of the repetitive learning activities that Victorian children used to have to endure.

The aim was to turn their lessons; looking at life in Victorian times, into reality so they understood the hardships children went through more than 100 years ago.

The pupils also took handwriting lessons and spent some time in a recreated Victorian school room, sitting in rows, wearing the dunce hat for the slightest misdemeanour and reciting text from the board.

Although somewhat concerned about the transformation their teachers had undergone, all emerged unscathed, even the ones who had ‘experienced’ the cane and lived to tell the tale to horrified classmates!