
Mar 132013
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 Let the Walk Begin

Our PSHE assembly on 26 February was well and truly taken over by a Doggy Diva named Chanel. Two year old Chanel, who has been at the BSPCA since she was eight weeks old, rules the roost. Having seen the impact she had on over seven hundred Year 2 through Year 6 children, we can quite believe that she is a force to be reckoned with in her home environment! Chanel  certainly lived up to her official title as the BSPCA Education Ambassador and she loves visiting schools. Yan, 3B said “Chanel was cute and fluffy”. Thank you to Mrs Oundhakar for bringing her in to see us.

Chanel came to St Christopher’s to promote the Doggy Dawdle which is to take place this Friday, 15 March and aims to raise much needed funds for the BSPCA. Whether your dog is big or small (there are differentiated walks of 2KM and 4KM) registration takes place at 9.00am and the walks start at 10.30am. For more details, sponsorship forms and location go to www.bspca.org or telephone 17591231.

We definitely want to do the Doggie Dawdle now after meeting Chanel – so cute and made us feel happy! Sophie  3C and Leah 3D

If you don’t have a dog the BSPCA are also looking for volunteers to walk the dogs they take care of – who knows you may even be lucky enough to walk Chanel herself!

The Doggy Dawdle – a great way to walk dogs ! Sofia 3E