
Feb 262013
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Hooray for Global Citizens Day!

St Christopher’s Global Citizens’ Day on 20 February, was a special event to raise the children’s knowledge, awareness and understanding of global issues and how local participation can make a difference globally.

Mufti was a special feature when the children came to school wearing ‘Earth’ colours and donated money for ‘WaterAid’. This international non-governmental organisation transforms lives in the world’s poorest communities by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation.

The Junior classes enjoyed a circle time session on global citizenship followed by year group based activities on ‘Fair Trade’ in a variety of commodities that are regularly purchased in Bahrain.

Children in the Infant School engaged in hands on activities as they learned about recycling, endangered animals and their habitats, and saving water. Recycling Superheroes in Nursery and Reception were presented with certificates, while Year 1 and 2 children were issued with their Eco Warrior passports.

The latter part of the afternoon gave an opportunity to the children to share their knowledge and understanding with parents and classmates. These sessions were immensely valuable and were enjoyed by parents and children alike.

Another exciting feature was the Year 2 to 6 competition entitled ‘I am a Global Citizen.’

Entries had to express what it means or how it feels to a citizen of the world. One hundred and thirty entries that included beautiful artwork, imaginative poetry, thought-provoking video presentations and original songs were submitted. The winners were:

Year Two – Isa Saoud and Lilo Al-Dahwi (2E)

Year Three – Urvi Ashar (3E) and Evie Winning (3F)

Year Four – Maram Isa Zainal (4A) and Helena Mills (4C)

Year Five – Ryan Stephen (5D) and Nikita Azua (5F)

Year Six – Crea Butlin (6E) and Sausthava Malakar (6F)

Mr Pavlos Manousos Babiolakis, Marketing Executive, represented BMMI, our generous sponsors, and himself a former pupil of St Christopher’s, awarded the prizes to the talented winners on this special day.

Lucky groups of children from Years 5 and 6 were invited to work alongside the renowned glass artist, Giuse Maggi, who helped the children to create ‘bottle’ sculptures using a variety of disposable materials. We would like to thank Mrs Maggi for sharing her expertise throughout the course of the day.

Malcolm Calder, Year 3 teacher and organizer of the day said “we are grateful to our sponsors and supporters for helping us create such a valuable and enjoyable learning experience”.

Global Citizens Day Competition sponsored by