
Feb 262013
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Bouncing, Kicking, Throwing … and Dancing

Nursery and Reception kicked off this year’s Infant Sports Days in great style! Reception bounded onto the Tiger Turf with great enthusiasm. The House Captains demonstrated each activity before letting them loose! A record of the points scored in basketball, football, ball throwing, bowling and quoit throwing was announced at the end of each activity, which created great cheers and excitement for the next station.

Nursery were equally excited and had worked hard to perfect their aiming, balancing, cycling and bouncing skills. They did such a good job that they were able to teach their parents how to perform each skill at the end. They did a great job at dancing to ‘Gangnam Style’ too!

Year 1 and Year 2 entered into a point scoring House competition. Each House strived to score the most goals in football, hockey and basketball; and be the fastest on the stompers and over the hurdles. Points were given at the rugby activity when the rugby ball was caught by a teammate. It was a close competition that had Mrs Dawson testing her mathematical skills when totting up the totals.

Year 1:

1st place Merlin
2nd place Kestrel
3rd place Falcon
4th place Osprey

Merlin scored the most goals in the football activity. Falcon scored the most goals in the basketball activity; Osprey scored the most goals in hockey and Kestrel scored the most points in the ball throw activity.

Year 2:

1st place Kestrel
2nd place Osprey
3rd place Falcon
4th place Merlin

Kestrel scored the most goals in the football activity. Osprey scored the most goals in the basketball activity; Falcon scored the most goals in hockey and Merlin scored the most points in the ball throw activity.