
Feb 262013
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Negotiation is a Journey

North American Invitational Model United Nations (NAIMUN) Conference

On Sunday 10 February, the largest delegation St Christopher’s has ever sent to the NAIMUN conference in Washington D.C. jetted off for a week of intensive debate and negotiation, as well as some equally action -packed sight seeing.  After months of hard work on behalf of students and staff, the trip was eagerly anticipated.

The opening ceremony, featuring a controversial speaker and a walk out by several Chinese delegations had the students keen to get debating the world’s issues of past and present.

After two and a half days of intensive discussion, the St Christopher’s delegates acquitted themselves well and won the respect and friendship of their fellow delegates.  Special mention must go to Bassam Al Alawi, who won an Honourable Mention in his Committee. When the conference came to an end the students returned home brimming with the confidence only new experiences and challenges can bring.

Sampriti Gupta reported “The conference itself was an experience to remember. Along with the usual General Assembly Committees and ECOSOC Committees, there were crisis committees like the Regionals and the Councils, Summits and Courts. While the General Assemblies and ECOSOC Councils were discussing world issues, Regionals and Councils, Summits and Courts were continuously being bombarded with crisis after crisis.

NAIMUN provided many opportunities to socialise and enjoy Hilltop Madness (performances by various groups) and the Delegate Dance. We met new people, made new friends and among all, never realised where the four days of conference went”.