
Feb 262013
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Ski On-Torgon

Finishing school on Thursday 7 February meant just one thing to 48 students from across Years 7-9 and 6 staff – next stop, Switzerland!!!! After meeting at the ridiculous time of 2.15am, all dressed in our bright blue hooded fleeces courtesy of ALBA, a smooth flight to Geneva and a 90 minute coach journey, we all arrived in the resort of Torgon on the Swiss/French border. Heavy snow greeted us on arrival and after some replenishment, all the equipment was sorted prior to the first day of skiing on Sunday. It was clear after the first day that the many lunchtime fitness sessions run by Mr Walters were definitely needed. What followed were five more glorious days of skiing on fresh powder every day, with mostly bright sun and clear skies. Everyone, from the most inexperienced beginner to one or two expert skiers, loved the conditions and the opportunity to ski in both Switzerland and France.

The evening activities ranged from a snow and light show to swimming and from torch-light night skiing to a football competition. Perhaps the only drawback of such a fabulous week was that we had to leave on the Friday morning for the long journey back to Bahrain, although the temperature in Bahrain was nice and warm when we touched down. Many thanks to Gerry, Becky, James, Ollie and all the other staff of The Ski Company. For everyone, including the several students who had never even seen snow, let alone been skiing, the experience was absolutely awesome. Let’s get ready for Torgon 2014.