
Jun 262013
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Year 9 Drama, English and History Cross Curricular Learning Event – 6 June 2013

Following the successful Year 9 History trip to Northern France and Belgium in February,  which focussed on the causes, course and consequences of World War One and World War Two, the Drama, English and History departments collaborated to plan a series of activities to explore the theme “Lest we forget”. The day began with Mr Connolly, Ms Bridgman and some excellent Year 9 Speakers presenting an overview of the trip to the Battlefields and and then setting the scene for a host of varied learning activities that would follow. The day culminated in a poignant moment of reflection where each and every student wrote a letter to Stanley Batt, one the casualties of World War II, whose grave had been visited by the students during their time in France. Their message was simple: “You did not give your life in vain and we are grateful for the sacrifice you made”. These letters have now been sent to the Military Cemetery in France and, should ever a member of Stanley’s family visit, the letters will be made available for their reference. This was a touching and emotional end to a day. Those who gave their lives, will not and should not ever be forgotten.