
Jun 042013
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True Sportsmanship

The Year 5 and 6 girls footballers finished off their year with a 5-a-side tournament at Bayan School. With 11 teams entered, the competition was tough, but nothing was going to stop our girls giving it their best shot!  After winning the first games, with goals from Aaliya Al Shahry and Danni Wilkinson we were feeling confident but knew we had some difficult matches ahead of us. Even though we didn’t make the final, we went away having shown true St Chris sportsmanship and team spirit. Well done to Danni Wilkinson, Emily Smith, Elligh Sissons, Charlotte Pilgrim, Adi Smith, Shehrazade Al Shahry, Kate Rogers, Kensie McNaught, Leya Hussain, Aaliya Al Shahry, Charlotte Axtel, Amnah Al Matrook, Stephanie Hall and Maddie King.