
Jun 042013
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A Wonderfully Charitable Year Draws To A Close!

4E collecting their Seafarer Contributions

On the morning of Tuesday 28 May, Year 4’s fantastic year of charitable enterprise drew to a close with the visit of Reverend Stephen from the Seafarers Association. The children presented the Reverend with their fabulous array of food and toiletry items which they have been busy collecting over the past three weeks. These were then quickly whisked away to the port where some very grateful sailors were waiting for them.

It only seems like yesterday the children were making traditional crafts to sell and then moved on to the really worthwhile process of collecting and sorting clothes for the Palm Association. Both in raising actual funds and providing and sorting invaluable items, the Year 4 children really embraced the idea of promoting community spirit and helping people less fortunate than themselves.

Well done to all of you…you really have made a difference!