
Jun 042013
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Running for Life

On Sunday 7 April, Jamel Bazzouz, Head of MFL, ran the Paris Marathon to raise money for the Bahrain Cancer Society. This race, which is now among one of the five biggest marathons in the world, starts on the Champs Elysees and visits the most prestigious monuments and squares of the City of Light: the Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Concorde, Rue de Rivoli and Place de la Bastille, and the difficulty of the final ten kilometres is soothed by views of the Quais de la Seine, Pont Neuf, Notre-Dame Cathedral and the Eiffel Tower. Mr Bazzouz completed the race in 4h40min. The money collected on French Day, and the support and generous contributions of St Christopher’s staff, allowed him to raise a staggering BD1000 for the Bahrain Cancer Society. On Thursday 30 May 2013, Mr Ahmed Ali Al Nowakhda, Bahrain Cancer Society General Secretary, was presented with a cheque of BD1000 by Nick Wilson, Head of St Christopher’s Senior School and Jamel Bazzouz.

Mr Bazzouz said “I would like to thank all the parents, students and colleagues who helped make French Day a great success, Carrefour for sponsoring  French Day, and everyone who contributed and supported me before, during and after the marathon.”