
May 082013
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Al Mood and Atmosphere

On 25-27 April, nine St Christopher’s School Drama students travelled to Doha College, Qatar for the BSME Performing Arts Festival. Performing a Shakespeare play in 2 days is no mean feat and the students had an action packed 48 hours in which to stage Macbeth. The aim was to use physical theatre – no props, costumes or staging allowed.  Students had to create objects through ensemble work and group physicality.  Visiting Musical Director,  Adam Baum said: “The mood and atmosphere were set by the mood and behaviour of all participants. Focus was excellent, and through that focus came results that moved at a pace necessary to put on Macbeth in 48 hours”. Professional actor, Josh Sneesby ran workshops with the students before rehearsal began and said: “Working with such a focused and talented group of pupils was a joy, and it sounds like they found it as rewarding as I did!”.

The St Christopher’s students thoroughly enjoyed the BSME experience. New friendships were made and dramatic experience gained.

  Gabriella Liandu, Year 10 reported “Doha was just fantastic! I could tell from the beginning that we’d be in for a treat. Everything we did from workshops to practical rehearsals was very interactive. Getting to work with other drama students and people we’d never met before was definitely one of the best parts overall”.