
May 082013
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A Dramatic Triumph

The highlight of the golfing year once again was the Staff v Students Golf Match which took place on the Wee Monty at The Royal Golf Club recently. In very close matches, Steve Martin & Richard Dixon-Clarke, Barry Hobday & Sarah Hobday and Ronan Armstrong & Luke Coast all won their matches for the staff. For the students, George Cox & Will Dixon, Nayel Al Borshaid & Harry Bullman and Michael Holland & David Guinane won their matches. This resulted in a 3-3 tie for only the second time in its history. The Pasturel Trophy was therefore shared by the staff and students in an honourable draw! In the staff competition, Luke Coast won with a massive 48 points, closely followed by Steve Martin on 46 points and Sarah Hobday on 44 points.

The biggest cheer of the day, however, was reserved for that well known officianado of golf, Joe Mulleague who achieved a magnificent hole-in-one on the 7th hole. Most people thought that he was cheering because he had actually managed to hit the green but no, he recorded a very rare feat indeed and has beaten many of his illustrious colleagues to this fantastic achievement. He bought everyone a drink afterwards which was much appreciated.Smile