
Apr 172013
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This is Only the Beginning

Year 11 student, Celine Vaandrager is very active in the arena of community service and has been previously involved with many St Christopher’s projects.  She recently set herself a very high personal goal- to raise funds in support of the Mahadji Shinde School in  Wanawadi, Pune, India. This school has 44 pupils per class, aged 3- 5 years and some of these children are the poorest in the world.

With the support of her colleagues at St Chris, enough funds were raised to pay a teacher’s salary for one year and to provide English books to the school. Celine, accompanied by her mother, visited the school during the spring break bearing gifts of cuddly toys for the children that had never seen cuddly toys before.

Many thanks for all the support you have given to Celine with her charity project in Pune. The trip was a great success! We met the teacher, the children and saw the school. We were able to stock the school library with English books and give soft toys and snacks to all the children. It was a life changing experience and Celine can’t wait to go back! There are many things she would like to improve in the school, so she will continue her mission! Please visit website www.nonationwithouteducation.org 

Wendy J. Vaandrager