News@St-Chris Vol 2.02/Oct 2013

Oct 102013
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Coffee Makes for Good Conversation 

On Sunday 29 September, the Year 7 Coffee Afternoon took place. Following a brief introduction from the Head of Year 7, Kim Chadwick, the parents were shown around the school by their children. They had the opportunity to see the classrooms and form rooms where their children spend their time at school. The main focus of the afternoon was for students to introduce their parents to their Form Tutor to discuss how they have settled in.  Many Year 7’s were excited to introduce their new friends to their parents. The afternoon was also a good opportunity for parents to meet other parents from the Form Group. Overall, Year 7 students have greatly impressed members of staff with the way they have settled into the Senior School. They have faced several new challenges over the past few weeks and have coped with them admirably.