News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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Maths – A Lesson that Counts!

The Infant and Junior maths team held a highly successful and well attended information evening on Tuesday 29 October.

Nearly 200 parents gathered for the unveiling of the school’s new Calculation Policy and an explanation of the main mental and written methods used in class. It was great to see so many parents prepared to “have a go” and try using methods and strategies far removed from those we were all taught in school. Martin Clifton noted, “There is distinct similarity between the parents and their children…..” as he regained their attention after an exciting brain break.

The dynamic whole school maths team led the parents with the much appreciated support of the teachers from all areas of the school. Judging from the positive comments and the reluctance of many to stop working, many would agree with the anonymous parent who added, “I wish I’d had a teacher like John Roycroft…”

The School’s new Big Maths and Numeracy Passport schemes were discussed, and the progression of basic skills was demonstrated very clearly and effectively. The evening concluded with a look at how the calculation strategies can be employed to tackle problem solving.

As one parent noted: “Absolutely cracking session. Now teachers need to start back at school one month early so that we can be taught these things before our children”.

The Calculation Policy details the progression in terms of skills and strategies across the whole school and can be viewed on Parent Portal.

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