News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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Getting on and Falling Out!

On Tuesday 29 October, the Junior School Senior Management Team (SMT) led our half-termly Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) theme launch assembly, this time entitled: “Getting On and Falling Out”

Wendy Bataineh warmly welcomed everyone to the assembly and explained what the topic was about – everyone was really engaged and eager to start. Alison Woods spoke about the value of having good friendships and how everyone can get along at playtimes. Everyone was really interested in the story and went away thinking about the: Triple Filter approach to talking about people: True, Kind, Necessary.

This assembly was also a great way to introduce our new school councillors. They will be working really hard to change the school for you!

As everyone left the hall with sunny smiles on their faces, Rob Stephenson chatted to some pupils from 5B. They all agreed how important making good friendships is and how lucky they are that at St Chris which means that everyone is feels part of a community where people look out for one another. The assembly was also filled with many positive aspects of school life: certificate giving and celebrating our whole-school successes.