News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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We’re There to Help

Mahira Essa 11D and Rishi Kumra 11E report that being a Year 11 Prefect is a rewarding position, but one that comes with a number of responsibilities. We are in charge of planning events, helping students, and volunteering to assist where we are able. We plan fun activities for our respective Tutor Groups in Years 7, 8 and 9, which take place every Wednesday morning during Form Time. These students enjoy the activities and this is one of the most satisfying aspects of being a Prefect. Planning events takes time and commitment, however, we work together as a group of Prefects and help decide on activities for the Forms. We also give up time to help out at events such as volunteering on World Heart Day where we raised awareness of the event by stamping people as they walked in, encouraging students to take part in the various activities such as Skipping and the Bleep Test. We also assist at Parent Teacher meetings where we welcome and register parents and provide tea and coffee for teachers. We are representatives of the school and act as exemplary role models for younger students at all times in terms of dress, conduct and courtesy. It has been a great experience so far and we are eager to be involved in more ways to help out young students in their journey through school.