News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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 Swell Swimming

During the half term holiday, students in Reception, Years 3 and 4, had the opportunity to participate in some free swimming lessons at the Saar Campus. Students attended for an hour each day, for four consecutive days. There were various levels of ability, ranging from non-swimmers, beginners, early improvers through to swim squad members who attended longer sessions for stroke correction and analysis. The four strokes were either introduced or enhanced through different drills and practices. There was an element of jumping, diving, starts, transitions, finishes and turns. Not only was it an opportunity for our students to learn new skills and strokes, it was also an opportunity for our swim coaches to partake in a swimming refresher course or expand their understanding in a level 2 ASA/STA swim qualification. I think it would be true to say that everyone learned something new, whether it was putting their face in the water, or completing a backstroke tumble turn or demonstrating the survival straddle entry technique. Well done to all our swimmers and coaches.