News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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One Global Voice

On the evening of Thursday 24 October, fourteen St Christopher’s students attended the UN Day Reception in the Al Fanar Hall at The Diplomat Radisson Hotel. Following addresses by UNIC Director, Nejib Friji, UN Resident Co-ordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, Peter Grohmann and HE Ghanem Fadhel Al Buainan, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and a video message from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, the students each in turn read out the developmental issues which are at the heart of the My World Global Survey, which was launched at the event. The survey is a tool that enables every citizen in the world to vote on six of sixteen developmental issues that most impact their lives. It helps people engage in a global conversation and debate on their own future as well as those of their future generations and is designed to make global leaders listen to the different voices and concerns. The voting can be done both physically as well as online Following the cake cutting ceremony and the playing of the Bahrain National Anthem and the UN Hymn, the students had the opportunity to network and dine with many of the leading political figures and VIPs attending the event. The students made a significant impression on the audience of some three hundred influential members of the community and felt privileged to have been part of this prestigious occasion.

Students attending:

Shehab Al Shehabi, Sofie Blankholm, Shawn Amirthan, Fatema Al Setri, Bharath Srinivas, Areeba Fawad, Harsh Ainapure, Yasmeen Jassim, Rushil Puri, Lulu Al Sugair, Arjun Rangarajan, Fatima Waheed, Aadish Shah and Noor Hammad