News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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Farming Around

Linking with the Design and Technology and Science curricula, Year 4 have been out on a trip to Alosra supermarket and Sadiq Farm. They have been investigating the importance of keeping hot and cold foods at the correct temperature, and the different types of materials used to store food. Back at school, the pupils will also be looking at the different materials used for insulation.

At the supermarket, pupils investigated the different categories of fruit and vegetables, and how and why food is packaged. They also looked at the fresh produce counters, identifying the different origins of products and learning how to check the freshness of fish. They also saw the pizza oven in action, which reaches temperatures of 250 Celsius.

The pupils loved seeing the cows on the farm – despite the smell! They were also able to explore the climate controlled housing of the cucumber plants, which works using a hydroponic system. This system is very efficient in yielding a good crop, and utilising water efficiently. Cucumbers are grown and ready for harvest in just 35 days! The children also saw tomatoes, herbs and papaya been grown.

For some children, this was the first time they had seen where food is grown. Thank you to Alosra and Sadiq Farm for hosting such an interesting field trip.