News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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A Chat over a Cuppa

More than 100 parents gathered in the School Hall for the Year 8 Coffee Afternoon on Monday 7 October. After a brief welcome from Hilary Rowark, Assistant Head of Senior School, Mary Jarvis, Head of Year 8, briefed the parents about life in Year 8. Her presentation highlighted the importance of the School Diary, the Enrichment Programme for this year group, homework expectations and key events of the year. The importance of involvement in extra-curricular activities and Community Service was emphasised with particular reference to the imminent BD1 challenge. Parents were given a tour of the school by their son or daughter and then had the opportunity to meet with individual Form Tutors on an informal basis. The afternoon provided parents with the opportunity to get to know the Year 8 Pastoral Team and to become more familiar with the academic demands of Year 8. Nick Wilson, Head of Senior School, welcomed parents and provided clarification relating to individual queries.