News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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Stay Strong – Live Long

This year’s Health and Fitness Week was as jam packed as usual! Each morning kicked off with our “Wake Up, Workout” aerobics on the Tiger Turf, with a different group of House Captains joining the staff House Leaders on the stage. It was great to see so many students, teachers and parents all moving to some invigorating music!

At each break time, the Infants and Juniors took on some of their teachers in our “Beat the Teacher” challenge. The Infants tried to complete more jumping jacks in a minute than their teachers, while the Juniors challenged their teachers to the bleep test!

In addition, Carly Lee whipped up some fabulous healthy dishes in her food demonstrations each break time, showing children in the Infant and Junior Schools how they can pack some healthy lunches each day!

The week ended with a Health and Fitness House Assembly. The House Captains took to the stage like naturals! They danced their way into the hall and led a fun-packed assembly that included Nurse Miriam Sandy (Falcon), Ruth Teague (Kestrel), Tim Mannings (Merlin) and Jenny Calder (Osprey) tasting, touching and smelling different fruits. Mrs Teague was victorious in getting all 3 fruits correct! It was also clear that Infants and Juniors alike have a great awareness of some otherwise unconventional fruit, such as the custard apple and rambutan.

To round up the assembly, Rebecca Lambert set a challenge. There are some areas of school and learning that come easily to some and are more difficult for others. Miss Lambert asked that the children choose something they find difficult and strive to become better in that area by the next House Assembly in December. To prove that it can be done, she asked the House Captains to pick nine teachers’ names out of a hat. These lucky teachers will learn a street type dance before the next assembly and perform it to the school. Some of them will pick up the dance moves quickly. Some will struggle and will have to work harder. The following teachers will be known as The St Christopher’s Street Crew: Kerrie Mulleague, Ruth Teague, Rob Stephenson, Emma Hewitt, Aimee Syson, Alisha Holness, Alyaa Bataineh, Rebecca Lodwig and Viv Etches. We wish them the best of luck and look forward to their performance later on this term!