News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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Skin Deep

Clara Moschetta, Reema Ajaji, Amy Bonar and Katie Baker (the cast) report that on Sunday 6 and Monday 7 October 2013, our A2 Drama group performed Skin Deep.

As an all female cast of four, we decided to approach a topic which we felt was relevant to every individual:  the perception of beauty, both within our own society and other cultures. With both physically and emotionally draining rehearsal sessions, after school and every Saturday, we devised our own play in the short space of six weeks. We touched upon subjects such as plastic surgery, peer pressure and possible futures of beauty in our society. We chose to put forward our concept in a way which had never been seen at St Christopher’s: through installation art. We created this to give the audience a visually engaging insight into our aims, intentions and research on beauty. We included the audience in our performance by writing “Dear Future Me” postcards to themselves, asking them to question their future self. Following the success of our examination performance, we were given the rare opportunity to perform our piece to each year group from Year 6 to Year 13 in assemblies to expose them to this topic. A2 performances are usually only performed twice for examinations. We were really grateful for this opportunity to help people of all ages question the value and definition of beauty. We would like to thank both Jo Lee and Kathryn Beck for their hard work in helping us perform “Skin Deep”, especially for dealing with our constant cravings (which were kindly met at lunch) for Hardees and our short and sweet tea breaks!