News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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 Service Stories

Simon de Buisseret, formerly a Sergeant and Aircraft Technician from the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers visited the Senior School on Sunday 10 November. Following visits to several lessons, Sergeant de Buisseret entertained dozens of students at a lunchtime question and answer session. The students were enthralled by tales of his service in places as diverse as Sharjah, Hong Kong and Germany. We heard about the helicopter he was flying in being shot down, about him finding a scorpion in his boots and about his daily routine at the Royal Hospital in Chelsea. Perhaps his most exciting tales were of him maintaining the helicopter weapons when working with members of the elite SAS regiment in Oman. He also read some of his own poetry based on his military career. Sergeant de Buisseret was impressed by the range and quality of the questions asked of him and by the calibre of the students. He did state that, had he gone to a school like St Chris, he would have stayed on longer at school. It was a pleasure meeting Sergeant de Buisseret and we look forward to welcoming him or his Royal Hospital colleagues back next year.