News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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Channel your Inner Kenyan

On Friday 25 October, students, teachers, teaching assistants and admin staff from the Infant, Junior and Senior Schools took part in the Bahrain Marathon Relay. Each runner had to complete one 3km stage of a gruelling 48km course across Bahrain. The Infant and Junior Schools made up two teams, imaginatively titled the A Team and the B Team.

The two Senior School staff teams ran with great enthusiasm, with a number of new teachers eagerly stepping up to the plate. Once again, there were commendable performances in the Senior School Student Team. Ten of the team were runners in 2012 and a number posted personal bests.  All the runners and supporters had a fantastic day. On top of that, they helped the Bahrain Round Table raise BD 20,000 towards local charities. It was hard to make out one of the runner’s comments after the race as she fought for breath but it sounded like Nurse Miriam Sandy said, “I loved every minute of it and I can’t wait until next year.”