News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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Overcoming Obstacles to Achieve Your Dreams

On Tuesday 22 October we were lucky to be able to meet two world record holders, called Henry and Joseph. They are part of the Kenyan Para Olympic Team. Henry is blind and Joseph runs beside him to help him. They have been running all their lives. They used to run 10km to school and back in bare feet each day. Henry and Joseph gave an inspirational talk to all children in Years 2-6. They gave us a demonstration of how they run without seeing and Henry can run a marathon (26.4 miles) in 2 and half hours. “They taught us you have to believe in yourself” said Zahar in 6A. Natasha in 6C commented, “You don’t have to be able to see to be a champion”. Thank you to Henry and Joseph for visiting us and sharing their inspirational story.