News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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Who Needs the Tooth Fairy?

From the moment the children lined up outside their classrooms you could sense that this was going to be a successful field trip. They were excited, but also ready to represent their school.

The Year 3 children jumped onto the bus with enthusiasm and were keen to learn more about “teeth”, having spent the first half term learning all about them. The Saar Dental Specialists were particularly well prepared with flip charts displaying healthy eating, interactive activities including boring into an apple to give a visual impression of tooth decay and use of disclosing tablets to show plaque. Fatima (3E) said, “I am never drinking fizzy drinks again!”

Some of the Year 3s were even lucky enough to have a go at showing off their brushing technique. The dentists then, very astutely, encouraged a more efficient and effective method.

Saar dental specialist Dr Urwi Bhewsar said, “We had a great time, to be frank the children were amazing and we were also very impressed with the teachers. It was a fantastic experience.” Both the dentists and the staff commented on how polite and well-behaved the children were.