News@st-Chris Vol 2.04/Dec 2013

Nov 282013
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The F1 in Schools programme operates in over 40 countries. Each of the National Champions and Runners-Up are invited to compete at the World Finals. St Christopher’s Team Epiphany, led by Team Manager, Suad El-Jawhari, with Lahan Sperinck (Marketing Manager), Rishi Kumra (Manufacturing Engineer), Sami Yatim (Design Engineer), Sheran Mendis (Graphic Design) and Mohammad El-Jawhari (Support Engineer),  represented Bahrain at the 2013 World Finals and recorded their best achievement to date. It was a highly successful event held at the Hyatt Regency, Austin, Texas, USA. The Team finished the competition with the 4th fastest car in the world, knocked out the United Kingdom National Champions in the reaction racing, and made it through to the quarter finals, being knocked out by Team Bolt, from India who were crowned winners of the knock out racing competition. The team finished 23rd out of 38 teams, making a huge improvement from last year, from 293 points to 583 points and managed a time of 1.075 seconds, which challenged some of the biggest teams in the world. All teams had a tour of the Circuit of the Americas, prior to the Formula 1 Grand Prix. A special thank you to our parents for their support and more importantly our valued sponsors, The Bahrain International Circuit, McLaren Automotive and Trust RE Reinsurance.