News@st-Chris Vol 2.04/Dec 2013

Nov 282013
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A Step Back in Time

On November 5, 6 and 7, all Year 1 classes visited the Bahrain National Museum, to enhance their understanding of the fabulous Kingdom we call home. In the entrance hall, all the children walked over the colossal floor-map of the island, even enjoying standing on the picture of the Infant and Junior School in Saar. Once in the exhibits, everyone was engaged in locating the items on their sheets, the lizard standing atop a reconstructed burial mound, the ancient seal that was inspiration for the St Christopher’s logo, a coffee pot in the reconstructed souk and the model of Bahrain’s pearl divers. After a brief snack in the sunshine, the children enjoyed playtime at the water’s edge and skipped amongst the many large sculptures outside the museum.