News@st-Chris Vol 2.04/Dec 2013

Nov 282013
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 Sit Back and Relax

Raya Bannai reports: With a new Music Department to lead the Senior School’s Music Programme, the first event of the academic year took place with great success. ‘Unplugged’, now the sixth of its series, was sold out to an audience of over 200 students, staff, parents and friends. The event saw a wide range of song choices and performances, from girls and boys of all ages from across the Senior School.

The standard of music performed was beyond the level expected of a school and of high calibre, with some performers impressing the audience with their own compositions and interpretations of songs. This year’s performances included Justin Timberlake’s ‘Suit and Tie’ by Gabriella Liandu; ‘When we’re together’ by Joel Thomas; a great cover of Miley Cyrus’ ‘Wrecking Ball’ by Lulu and Liela Al Sugair; as well as a breath-taking performance of Deaf Havana’s ‘Anemophobia’ by Clara Moschetta. Following the concert, positive remarks by the audience have led to plans to schedule another ‘Unplugged’ to take place in the near future, as part of the current academic year. The Music Department looks forward to the next event, as well as upcoming concerts and the School Production of ‘The Boy Friend’.