News@st-Chris Vol 2.04/Dec 2013

Nov 282013
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 “Mark” a Difference

On Monday 11 November, officials from the United Nations made a presentation to Year 11 students. The key note speaker was Mr Peter Grohmann, the UN Resident Coordinator in Bahrain, who provided an overview of the origins of the United Nations and the main foci of the organisation’s work. Mr Grohmann answered a number of student and tutor questions following a UN Quiz to highlight the impact of the UN’s work on people’s lives since the benchmark year of 1990. Mr Nejib Friji, United Nations Information Centre Director, spoke about the significance of the Post 2015 Agenda/My World Survey. All students were invited to complete the survey and also to volunteer to assist School Governor, Mrs Suha Matar of Moirai Comunications, in raising awareness of the survey in the local community. The students who attended the UN Reception on Thursday 24 October in the Diplomat Radisson Hotel were presented with Certificates of Participation by Mr Friji who thanked them for the contribution to the celebrations of UN Day and for initiating further contact with UN officials and diplomatic staff.