News@st-Chris Vol 2.04/Dec 2013

Nov 282013
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Shades of Pink

Ellie Bauman reports that St Christopher’s Senior School students and staff raised a grand total of BD1500 as part of the month long and world-wide Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign. Students and staff bought and wore pink ribbons and stylish pink T-shirts to raise the profile of this worthy charity. The Sixth Form students became involved by selling the T-shirts to their classmates and teachers. The range of designs and colours drew in an abundance of supportive customers and their generous donations. On Thursday 24 October, the school celebrated with a Mufti Day and almost the entire school was dressed in their “Think Pink” Tees! In addition, each student’s individual talents were utilised as we worked collaboratively offering different services to help raise money. Ms Carr’s 9A Form Tutor Group painted nails in various shades of pink, raising a total of BD140. The aroma of freshly-baked Brownies and warm Chocolate Chip Cookies filled the courtyard as students organized a weekly rota of delicious and lucrative Bake Sales.  Each Year Group had their own week to work together baking and selling their treats.  This was a great team effort of which we, as a community, should all be very proud.